Can you remember the first thing that inspired your imagination? Typically it’s something from a book, or a movie, or (for my generation) a video game. Something so impressionable that you still can recall your thrill and excitement as you followed the storyline and characters. How about we take a trip back to 1992 for a moment, shall we?Okay, I’m going to do something that is really going to date me. 1992 was preschool for me. Yes, like handpaint-and-apple-juice preschool. I can already hear half of you groaning and rolling your eyes at my juvenescence (and for the other half, I admit that I’m starting to sweat when I realize that you weren’t even born at least a decade afterwards—that’s just scary.) With that aside, here I was—young, little impressionable and imaginative Jessica running around in my pink jacket. (Yes, I went through a fleeting phase where pink was my favorite color. But I later came to my senses and realized that green was far superior. You'll see why in a moment.)I can’t remember when or how, but somehow I was exposed to our favorite lean, green, pizza-eating ninja team—Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! (in a half shell!) It was the old 1987 show that kicked off the whole TMNT cartoon phenomenon. I remember being so enraptured and intrigued with them to the point that several other preschool boys and I would play-pretend TMNT. I of course claimed April (duh!), and we would go on all sorts of ninja adventures together. Ahh, childhood is the best.
Fast-forward 20 years later. Summer 2012. I had long since forgotten TMNT—it always held a special place in my heart, but I never kept up with it. One Saturday morning in summer, Cody and I plopped down on the couch and flipped on the TV to see the faces of Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo on the screen. But…different. More CGish. It was the 2012 reboot of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and it was all done with computer generation. I was skeptical—I tend to be very picky about my CG animation, as much of it is done poorly. We were about to skip to the next channel, but somehow my thumb never made it to the ‘channel up’ button. Somehow—amazingly—we were fixated. The dialogue, the action sequences, the humor, and even the aesthetics had us glued. And then I felt it again. Bubbling up inside me was some long-lost childhood excitement. For a moment I felt like a little girl sitting on the couch again; feet too short to reach the floor, yet riveted with the story and excitement of everyone’s favorite ninja turtles kicking butt and taking names.And what’s not to love about TMNT? The creators of the 2012 reboot did a fantastic job. Don’t tell me you’re not head-bobbing to the beat of the 2012 intro. in honor of our masked mutants, I decided to practice my digital skills and have some nonsensical fun. Bright colors, bold outlines, and total liberation from correct anatomy and realistic proportions. I had so much fun with these portraits. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! Leonardo ("The Leader")
This dual sword-wielding ninja leader is always spearheading the attack and leading his team into the thick of battle. His tactical combat style is both deadly and precise, and he always manages to keep a cool head even when the fighting gets hot. Donatello (“The Brains”)
The brilliant-minded Donatello is the tech-and-mech genius of the crew. With his abilities to craft gadgets and tinker with biochemistry, he is virtually capable at creating anything the crew needs. Add to that his wicked bo staff skills, and the bad guys have one formidable opponent! Raphael (“The Brawn”)
This hot-headed fighter is like an unstoppable train once he gets going. His intensity in battle and thirst to take down the bad guys makes him a force to be reckoned with. And while he may not admit it, he cares deeply for his brothers. Though it won’t stop him from giving them a hard time every now and then. Michelangelo ("The Jokester”)
Aliens, foot clan, or even mutant monsters never seem to bring this happy-go-lucky jokester down. With a grin on his face and a trick up his sleeve, Michelangelo is always ready for fun—especially if it involves pizza. But don’t be fooled by his juvenile demeanor, because he’ll be spinning his nunchucks and taking out enemies faster than you can say “BOOYAKASHA!”
So what are you waiting for? Grab a slice of your favorite pizza and hop on the couch for an episode of TMNT. Doesn’t matter if you're four or forty—you’ll never be too young (or too old) to be a fan of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! :)