Greetings friends!After a long hiatus, a long winter, and an even longer artist’s block, I’m finally blowing the dust off my blog page and giving it a fresh spring makeover. *cracks knuckles* So let’s do this!First of all, thank you to everyone who is reading this. That means that you have taken the time out of your day to read my update. That also means that you’re still somewhat interested in my art happenings. You’re invested, and I appreciate that. So a big thank you and welcome to my updated and renovated website!A quite update on the last six months...2015. To be completely honest, a rather challenging year. From picking up and moving our life across the world, my incredible husband and I have slowly been putting roots down in our new home. It’s been a long time coming, but we’ve started getting into a new rhythm of life. We’ve met some wonderful people, got plugged into the community, and have nested well into our lovely new home. The thing with moving and adjusting to a new place is that it takes time. It’s intriguing to see the seasons of life echoed through the growing seasons of plants. Through life’s hard season—the “winter” season—I found myself in a place of waiting and rest, just like how a bulb hibernates in the winter ground. Though as time progresses, a little bit of green growth pokes through the cold, frosty ground…and one day you find yourself in a new, warmer season of life. It’s a beautiful, hopeful image.
A while back some of you may remember that I started the 52-Week Challenge. This project began in January of 2015 and challenged illustrators to post a weekly picture according to specific theme. By the end of the year, I planned on having a total of 52 illustrations, better artist skills, and a broader portfolio.I got as far as summer, and never finished.I found myself falling behind and growing frustrated with my inability to keep up, and eventually halted altogether. But now as I reflect back on the challenge, I have learned a few things:First of all, I started the challenge in the middle of our major international move. That by itself ate up any free time I had, not to mention it consumed most of my creative and emotional energy. More importantly, I found that I attempted to create a beautiful, fully-rendered color image complete with backgrounds—EVERY WEEK. FOR 52 WEEKS. My ambitions were a wee bit high. Contrast this to my Alphabook challenge, which was only 26 weeks long and focused more on spot illustrations of single characters, sans backgrounds. And unlike the 52-Week Challenge (which requested people to submit only finished pieces of art), Alphabooks encouraged people to submit really whatever they had, even if it was a rough sketch. When I was doing the Alphabooks challenge, I felt alright posting the occasional crappy sketch—knowing that it was okay and I’d do better next week. With the 52-Week Challenge, I felt pressured to make every piece my magnum opus, and therefore when I had a bad illustration I felt it reflected poorly on me as an artist.All this to say: I learned a lot from doing the 52-Week Challenge. Is it a bad challenge? Absolutely not! It’s a fantastic way to hone your creative skills and rub shoulders with other artists. I would highly recommend it. What I WOULDN’T recommend is having unrealistic expectations and instead know your limits. But hey—that’s why we challenge ourselves in the first place. That’s how we learn and grow.But now, let’s talk about more fun things:
What’s Next!
As you can see, I’ve given my website a much-needed makeover. Take a moment to check out the galleries, which have some new images and surprises in them. (new art! YAY!) Also, I have created a new Facebook page for my art ongoings. I plan on using my Facebook Page to more frequently post quick updates, add photos of works in progress, and post any art-related content. Check it out, and don’t forget to “Like” it! :)
In April, I will be participating in my first convention ever! If you’re in the DC area, come check out RavenCon. I am super stoked to be hosting a table in artist alley.
And in May, I will be hosting another artist alley table at the Tidewater Comic Con!
Keep posted for more updates! Alright, I can hear you saying, “Okay Jess, this is great…but what about your art? What’s are you working on now? What’s next?”One thing about me is that I’m pretty good at cranking out art, but pretty terrible at actually posting it. So you’ll be happy to know that I have several folders packed FULL of sketches, characters, and illustrations just waiting to make their debut. My challenge to myself is to spend more time sharing my artwork with you and giving you sneak peaks at my upcoming projects. Projects that may involve a dragon…
A cat with the "gift" of gardening...
And maybe a space angel…
Oh yes, get ready. Because I am SO excited to introduce you to some friends of mine. I promise you will love them. :)I hope this gets you a little excited for what’s to come. Thank you all for sticking with me through my artistic (and life) journey. As I stand on the brink of what I consider a new year, I survey a hopeful and bright future laid out before me. I'll leave you with an image and a quote from Guster's song "Parachute":But how much strength does it take For exploration For split decision? Or are you stronger to remain?Opened the door Knew what was me I finally realized Parachute over me