Happy Friday everyone! (Or Saturday, for our Japan friends. :) ) Giving you a boost to what is hopefully an already good day--and if it isn't, I hope this makes it better! I present to you: the next three art pieces in the 52-Week Illustration Challenge (a weekly themed drawing challenge that you can find here on Facebook).Enjoy! :)Week 16: StructureThis is one of the last pieces I did while I was in Japan, and therefore special to me. I'm not sure if it is a farewell to the memories I've made there, or a greeting to the new adventures and stories that Japan has seeded into my mind. No doubt a bit of both, and hopefully more of the latter.Who is this girl? Where is she, and what is she doing?I am sure we will see more of her...(Easy Paint Tool Sai, Photoshop; done while listening to SimCity 4 soundtrack, specifically the songs "Shape Shifter" and "New Terrain")Week 17: Fluffy
A cute, fluffy little ewok for your enjoyment. : )(Watercolor and India Ink) Week 18: Art Deco
Cats don't dance? I think they do! ; )
(Watercolor & India Ink; 3ish hours)