Happy Thursday! (or Wednesday for you state-side folks).After my last batch of Alphabook characters, I decided to take a bit of a break from drawing humans and decided to go for a more children’s literature look for the P and Q submissions. They’re not my best, but who care—they were still fun to do. :)And in case you don’t know what Alphabooks is, here’s the lowdown: Alphabooks is a blog in which all artists are welcome to draw a book character corresponding to the letter of the week. For instance, A for Aslan, B for Bilbo Baggins, etc. Feel free to check it out and participate!P is for Peter RabbitThe Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix PotterFor whatever reason, it was extremely difficult to figure out to do for the letter P. I ended up settling for Peter Rabbit. I honestly needed a break from all the human characters and wanted to do something more simplistic and whimsical. I also wanted to see if I could mimic more of a watercolor affect using digital methods. Alas, I wasn’t very successful. I probably wasn’t using the right brushes and the colors are far too saturated and unvaried. Whatever. He still is kinda cute. ^^ (1.5ish hours)Q is for the Queen of CatsIt’s a Secret! by John Burningham
If I thought finding a character for the letter P was difficult, then I didn’t know what I was in for when Q rolled around. And apparently other people on Alphabooks were having difficulties as well—there were a ton of the Queen of Hearts and Quasimodos with little else. Can any of you think of book characters starting with the letter Q? It’s hard!I ended up very randomly stumbling across a children’s book title called It’s a Secret! By John Burningham. I had never heard of it before, but I knew I struck gold when I saw that his book featured a character called the “Queen of Cats”. I haven’t read the story, but what it appears to be (in a nutshell) is the story of a girl who uncovers what her cat does when he goes out every night—he gets dressed up and goes out to parties with the rest of the cat kingdom! She begs to go along, and he agrees—and so they go off and have wonderful adventures and get to meet the rest of the cat kingdom as well as the queen of cats. Simple and cute, and especially since I still wanted a break from drawing humans, what better subject for me to draw than cats! :DI decided to keep her simple and decided to use watercolors, since it had been a while. Nothing fancy, nothing innovative—just a sweet kitty with a queenly disposition. And even though my scanner messed up the colors, that’s alright—I’m just relieved that I figured out a fun character for the letter Q. ^^ (1.5ish hours)