A lot more effort and work is put into The Barons Hed Fireworks Show than many people would think. As each year rolls around, the officials have to consider possible risks and dangers they will have to deal with. Choosing the correct materials for the display is a very important job that requires a lot of attention. The show run on several rounds, each containing its key materials and cogs. Each and every cog has been carefully handcrafted and fashioned for maximum performance during the display. No phony stuff here!. After being constructed, they are packaged into large container crates and loaded onto cargo ships. Most of these cogs are made on locations such as Bespin, Coruscant, and Nar Shaddaa.
Once on the cargo ship, the crates of these finely-crafted cogs are flown to the major ports on Tatooine, such as Mos Eisley and Mos Espa. From there, the cargo is then transferred into smaller crates and flown out to Barons Hed in small cruisers. They are then loaded into the Crystal Bay Loading Terminal and taken to the Half-Moon Marketplace.
The new cogs are temporarily stored in the enclosure at the marketplace for the show. A few days before the display, several highly-trained professionals take some of the cogs outside the city to be tested on the sands. After passing the OK from the inspection official, they are prepared for show time the day before. Finally, after weeks of preparing, the show that everyone has been anticipating begins with much celebration and relief. :)